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Spanish 260 A Conversation and Composition: Cinema for Spanish Conversation




Spanish 260 is a writing-and speaking-intensive course in Spanish. Although we will review some grammar topics, this class is not a grammar class. This course is based on the training and practice of written and oral Spanish to develop fluency, accuracy, and expressiveness in oral and written communication. Spanish 260 is intended to increase students’ ability to communicate in Spanish by building on vocabulary, grammar structures, and strengthening linguistic skills acquired in Spanish 201 or in equivalent courses. 

The successful student will build solid ground in speaking and writing with the use of an increasingly sophisticated vocabulary and a flexible range of written and oral expressions. Special emphasis will be placed on styles (colloquial, formal, academic) and modes of writing (description, reports, summaries, argumentation, and narration). Along with increasing students’ oral and written accuracy in Spanish, the course aims to broaden cultural competence about the Hispanic world both in Spanish–speaking countries and in the U.S. To this end, students will be expected to engage critically with relevant topics from the assigned materials. 

The class will meet TTH.  To devote class time to meaningful practice and discussion, students are expected to prepare beforehand to actively participate in the class sessions. 

Students will be responsible for the assigned material as indicated on the syllabus. The focus of each class will be students’ active engagement with the assigned material on a lively discussion with the professor acting as a facilitator. Students must come to class prepared and ready to answer, ask questions, and offer insights and ideas reflecting their preparation of the material. 

Writing, reading, and participation must be done in a careful and thoughtful manner, engaging on critical reflections that demonstrate the students' intellectual skills. Students must always be ready to elaborate on ideas and topics from the assigned readings, class discussions, and composition prompts.  All classes will be conducted entirely in Spanish. 

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